Andy Jones

We met Andy high atop a ridge up in Hatcher Pass, a historic gold and mineral mining area nestled in the Talkeetna mountains of Alaska. We were climbing up and he was walking down.

"Sure is ugly up here!" I said. Andy grinned and we started talking about our respective experiences in Alaska thus far. Andy shared with us that he quit his information technology job in Hartford, Connecticut and has been traveling since February of 2014 in none other than a Honda CRV. This was, of course, very exciting to me (Daniel) because I also drive a CRV! 

Andy sustains his travels through "WWOOF-ing." WWOOF, which stands for World Wide Opportunities in Organic Farming, is an organization that began in England in 1971. Its purpose is to connect volunteers with organic farms. Volunteers work in exchange for room and board. In addition, volunteers receive hands-on farming education in topics such as permaculture, biodynamic growing, and sustainability. On his travels, Andy has worked on a few different organic farms.

We all walked back down the ridge together. Andy agreed to let us interview him but he needed to make a sandwich first - which he did, out of the back of his CRV, with produce from the farm he was working on in Talkeetna. We took some photos and then drove down to the Hatcher Pass Lodge to chat more over warm drinks. Hear more of Andy's story by listening to the full audio interview below: